Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy Ltd. was instructed by the owners of a property on the outskirts of Lichfield to seek planning permission for the erection of a replacement dwelling. The site had a number of significant planning constraints, being located within the Green Belt, comprising a curtilage Listed Building, and having an agricultural occupancy restriction.
Following the submission of some preliminary applications to establish a fall back position, an application was then lodged for the erection of a replacement dwelling that was substantially larger than the one being replaced. The Local Authority concluded that the proposal represented an appropriate form of development in the Green Belt, and that it would represent a significant improvement to the character and appearance of the site. Planning permission and Listed Building Consent was subsequently forthcoming.
Client Testimonial:
“Rob has proved to be a great asset both in terms of his lateral thinking and his tenaciousness, which combined with his relentless good humour make him a pretty formidable ally and we could not speak highly enough of him”.
A.W. & H.W.
Image courtesy of Palmer Design