Portfolio - Consent Granted for Erection of Three Dwellings

Consent Granted for Erection of Three Dwellings

Project Description
  • 0
  • February 7, 2012

Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy has recently been successful in an application to re-develop a former vehicle repair garage for residential use. 

Although outline planning permission had previously been granted on the site, this stipulated that development should be undertaken away from the rear of the site where steep slopes led down to neighbouring properties below. 

It was a very challenging site, owing to the hill top location of the site and its potential for overlooking.  A split-level, contemporary design approach was adopted with excavated gardens to minimise disruption to local residents. 

Nevertheless, the detailed design of the proposed dwellings was of particular concern to the Local Authority.  In order to address these concerns Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy undertook extensive negotiation with the case officer to arrive at a scheme which was acceptable.  Consent was duly forthcoming.