What is a Listed Building?
A Listed Building is one which has a special architectural and historic interest. Giving a building Listed Status ensures that it is subsequently given consideration by the planning system so that care is taken in the future to safeguard its special character. As a general rule the older a building is the more likely it is to be Listed. There are currently over 340,000 Listed Buildings within the UK.
When a property is Listed it is given one of three classifications; Grade 1, Grade 2* and Grade 2.
Grade 1 Listed Buildings are the most important and reflect that the building is considered to be of international importance. Only 2.5% of all Listed Buildings fall into this categoriy. A few examples from the Staffordshire area include Lichfield Cathedral, Tutbury Castle, Shugborough Hall and Alton Castle.
Grade 2 buildings are those which are nationaly important and of special interest. They represent the remaining 92% of all Listed Buildings, and most home owners who live in a Listed Building will find themselves falling in this category.
However, just because a property is Listed, this doesnt prevent senstive re-development proposals. It means that in addition to planning permission, you must also apply for Listed Building Consent in order to make any changes to the building which may affect its special interest. If you have a Listed Building and are considering making alterations, or if you are proposing a re-development scheme which may have an impact on a Listed Building nearby, Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy can assist you in bringing your proposals forward.