Solar Panels
Photovoltaic Cells, or Solar Panels as most people know them, are very much in vogue at the moment owing to the Government’s feed-in tariff. If you are considering installing solar panels onto your property, then you also need to ascertain where planning permission is required or not.
In certain circumstances the need to apply for planning permission can be avoided, and Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy can advise you on these criteria. Alternatively if your scheme is one which requires consent, Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy can assist in lodging the application and preparing a Planning Statement setting out the case in favour of approval.
Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy provides specialist town and country planning advice to landowners, householders and developer’s alike, and specialises in the areas of Lichfield, Burton-on-Trent, Stafford, Tamworth, Leek, and the rural areas inbetween. If you need help applying for planning permission, have had planning permission refused, or just want some general planning advice, please do not hesitate to contact us.