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Planning Fees

A number of months ago the Government announced that it would be making provision for the decentralisation of planning application fees in England.  The intention is that Local Authorities will be able to set their own fee schedules for all the different types of development. The Local Authorities are restricted in that they cannot use te fee income to generate a profit, but should seek to recoup all of their overheads, including any necesary and identified service improvements. 


It is unlikely that the new fee regimes will come into force before April 2012, but nevertheless developers need to be aware of the potential for application fees to rise.  The Government is also considering abolishing the free go following a withdrawal or refusal.  This heightens the importance of pre-application advice, which can be used to flag up any issues at an early stage and thus save time and money in the long run. 


Now is therefore an ideal opportunity to apply for planning permission, and Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy can provide clear, professional advice on your development proposals to assist you.  We can help at all stages of the planning process, from pre-application discussions through to discharge of planning conditions.  We can also advise you on your options if you have already been refused planning permission.

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