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Objecting to an Application

Are you a local resident concerned about a planning application that has been lodged nearby?  Do you wish to object but are not sure how best to go about it?  Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy can assist by reviewing the application concerned and advising you on the material planning considerations relevant to it, and if so desired will also prepare a detailed objection letter on your behalf. We will also attend any resultant Planning Committee meeting and speak to the Members on your behalf. 


If you are concerned about a nearby development, give Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy a call.


Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy provides specialist town and country planning advice to landowners, householders and developer’s alike, and specialises in the areas of Lichfield, Burton-on-Trent, Stafford, Tamworth, Leek, and the rural areas inbetween.  If you need help applying for planning permission, have had planning permission refused, or just want some general planning advice, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


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