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Letters of Objection

Local residents often find themselves confronted by a new planning application, with a very short period of time in which to respond to the Council with their comments.  If you havent had much involvement in the planning system before it can be quite difficult to get your head around the process and make effective representations on the application.  Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy can help to explain the process as well as undertake a review of the relevant planning application and prepare a detailed objection letter highlighting the key planning issues and concerns with the project. 


Furthermore, Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy is able to undertake such work promptly to meet tight timescales.  We can also attend Planning Committee meetings and speak on your behalf (where permitted by the Local Planning Authority).  Our fees for such work are highly competitive and wherever possible we will try and tailor the work to suit your budget.   So give us a call and see if we can help.

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