Exclusion of Gardens from Defintion of Brownfield Land
In June 2010 the Government introduced an amendment to Planning Policy Statement 3 – Housing, excluding garden land from the definition of brownfield land. Concurrently, the density target of 30 dwellings per hectare was also removed. The intention behind these changes was to enable Local Authorities to have a greater say in how they control development in their areas. The amendments however do not introduce a presumption against garden land development. Applications need to be assessed on their merits, having regard to the Authority’s deliverable supply of housing, the sustainability of the site and the impact of the proposal on the character and appearance of the area. Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy can assist landowners/developers in bringing forward sustainable re-development proposals which accord with the aspirations and provisions of the revised guidance.
Rob Duncan Planning Consultancy provides specialist town and country planning advice to landowners, householders and developer’s alike, and specialises in the areas of Lichfield, Burton-on-Trent, Stafford, Tamworth, Leek, and the rural areas inbetween. If you need help applying for planning permission, have had planning permission refused, or just want some general planning advice, please do not hesitate to contact us.